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Dimmable Philips LED installations will help next generation growers at HAS Green Academy acquire hands-on knowledge of the latest technologies

February 15, 2024

Eindhoven, The Netherlands – Signify, (Euronext: LIGHT), the world leader in lighting, recently equipped HAS green academy in Den Bosch, the Netherlands, with several new dimmable Philips GreenPower LED installations. The greenhouses and climate chambers at the university of applied sciences now have the latest grow light technology. Students in various fields of study use the facilities for practical training and for research assignments from companies to acquire hands-on knowledge of the latest technologies. “We believe in shaping the future along with our knowledge partners, and we’re proud to be able to continue this collaboration. It’s how we can help train a new generation of horticultural professionals and familiarize them with innovative cultivation technology,” says Udo van Slooten, business leader Philips horticulture LED solutions from Signify.

The investment in new grow light technology includes a dimmable Philips GreenPower LED toplighting compact installation with red, green, blue and far-red light for a greenhouse compartment, and dimmable Philips GreenPower LED production modules with a similar spectrum for six climate chambers that can be used for three-layer cultivation. The light levels in each installation and for each cultivation layer can be controlled independently with the Philips GrowWise control system.

Grow lights with adjustable far-red LEDs

Significant upgrade

Martijn Bekkers, Manager of Greenhouse and Garden Facilities, talks about the major upgrade in the facilities. “In July this year, the new greenhouse installation replaced a hybrid lighting installation we’ve had since 2015. That one was still working fine, but it no longer met today's standards. A rapid transition is taking place from HPS lights and hybrid installations to dynamic lighting with higher maximum light levels and efficient, dimmable full LED installations. There's also a greater focus on green and far-red light, in addition to the well-tested red and blue LEDs. This upgrade enables us to keep pace with modern production companies, and it keeps the HAS green academy relevant for practical research,” Martijn Bekkers says. The new installation is already being used to study how green light influences the growth and development of sweet pepper plants.

Climate chambers

Six of the eight climate chambers now also have new dimmable Philips GreenPower LED production modules, which enable continuous dimming and higher light levels. “We can adjust the light recipes for each cultivation layer. In the six climate chambers, which each have three cultivation layers, we could potentially test 18 variables at a time. That won’t happen very quickly, though, because there are usually several projects running alongside each other at the same time. The demand for space for projects is certainly not going to go down after this upgrade. There is a great deal of interest in optimizing cultivation with full LED grow lighting, both within our own educational institution and in high-tech greenhouse horticulture and vertical farming.”

Further research

Close relationship

Bekkers is supported by Daniëlle Smits, lecturer in cultivation. “Grow light is a hot topic right now, and efficient lighting with dynamic full LED is booming. We see it as our duty to provide students with good facilities for educational and research purposes. When it comes to lighting, we make a point of working with a variety of suppliers, but our relationship with Signify goes back a long way and has provided many nice projects and valuable insights.”

Cross-pollination between education and practical application

“That’s not only because of the high-quality technology the company provides,” Bekkers adds. “Signify is also investing structurally in crop-focused research, in order to continue developing the Philips LED grow lights. Furthermore, they have plant specialists on staff for our students to consult when they have questions. That knowledge component is a unique and important added value, partly because paid research for horticultural companies and suppliers also takes place here. This results in an interesting and valuable cross-pollination between our departments and students, on the one hand, and companies that are our clients and the future employers of our students on the other.”

Further research

For further information, please contact:

Philips horticulture LED solutions by Signify
Daniela Damoiseaux – Global Marcom Manager
Tel: +316 40578311

About Signify

Signify (Euronext: LIGHT) is the world leader in lighting for professionals, consumers and the Internet of Things. Our Philips products, Interact systems and data-enabled services, deliver business value and transform life in homes, buildings and public spaces. In 2023, we had sales of EUR 6.7 billion, approximately 32,000 employees and a presence in over 70 countries. We unlock the extraordinary potential of light for brighter lives and a better world. We have been in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index since our IPO for seven consecutive years and have achieved the EcoVadis Platinum rating for four consecutive years, placing Signify in the top one percent of companies assessed. News from Signify can be found in the Newsroom, on XLinkedIn and Instagram. Information for investors is located on the Investor Relations page.


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