Confident growing starts here

Discover the power of more confident decision-making

What if you could grow better quality products? Produce a larger harvest? And have better control of costs, including energy and labor? Now you can! Today, a new age is dawning that will empower you to make better growing decisions with more confidence.

By combining your growing data with advanced algorithms, you more accurately predict crop yields. So you can profit from vastly improved planning. Discover a new light on growth. Discover the power of our new data-driven lighting solutions.

Rose veg

A new light on your crop quality and business results

Welcome to the world of data-driven lighting solutions, where more and better data combine with artificial intelligence to help you make more informed decisions about crop production and even automate parts of your production. New developments in supplemental lighting will support your craftmanship as an LED grower to improve the quality of your crop and the results of your business.

Design support tools

Decision-support tools to manage your crop

As part of our data-driven lighting solutions, we are introducing innovative new decision-support tools. For instance, new tooling is being developed based on the proven success and effectiveness of our Tomato Growth Model. This analyzes data to provide custom-made lighting advice as well as forecasts of potential yield to manage labor planning.

Grow wise

Real-time, fine-tuning of light recipes with GrowWise

With our GrowWise Control System, you create custom light recipes to specify lighting time, duration, amounts and color spectrum for your crop. Integrated into GrowWise, our data-driven lighting solutions will provide real-time insights that let you steer and fine-tune your recipes to get the most out of your harvest.


Organized around you, even remotely

We’re organized to help you profit from data-driven lighting. Your key account manager, plant specialist and application engineer help you develop the business case, the custom-made light recipe and the lighting design that best fits your crop. Thanks to cloud-based data storage and data-driven lighting solutions, our plant specialists can even provide real-time advice remotely on the best lighting for you.

Discover the latest LED news

LED inrush current and the financial impact on lighting design

It’s critical to be able to receive the proper specifications on inrush current and other key technical factors, or the project risks unplanned costs.

Think of more than just the light

More and more growers make the switch to LED lighting and become convinced of the possibilities. Think of more than just the light, but of all factors

What is the difference between LED and HPS grow lights

As a grower, you are always looking for the best recipe for growth – ways to optimize results, minimize risks and increase yield. With LED lighting you can control heat and light separately.

Contact us

Contact certified partners

Philips products are sold through a global network of certified partners. Find partners in your region for more information about Philips LED grow lights.

Contact Philips

What are the best LED grow lights for your situation? We are here to help. Please use our form to submit your request.


Vertical Farming World Congress 2023
London, 9-11 October

Essen, 23-26 January 

Fruit Logistica 
Berlin, 7-9 February 


Dynamic LED lighting yields significant savings

With high energy prices here to stay, we’ve seen big changes in the way growers are thinking about their use of light.