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We offer the latest high-efficiency LED sports lighting systems, providing a complete lighting solution with the PerfectPlay wireless control system with integrated LED floodlights, for all types of outdoor sports and taking into account the requirements from the smallest through to the most complex outdoor sports facility.

Football field lights
Because recreational football is usually played in the evening, effective lighting maximizes the opportunity for people to take part in the game.Although the lighting level will obviously be lower than for broadcasted matches, the lighting quality should remain high in terms of uniformity, visual comfort and limitation of obtrusive light, especially in residential areas where leisure sports facilities are often located.

Hockey lights
Good quality illumination is essential for sports like hockey where players are expected to react quickly to a small but fast-moving ball. This aspect of the game demands uniform light distribution and a color temperature that matches daylight.

Tennis court lights
When lighting a tennis court, the objective is to ensure good visibility enabling both players and spectators to follow the progress of a game. The ball, regardless of its location and speed, should always be clearly visible.

Rugby field lights
The lighting should provide uniform illumination over the full pitch. It should also ensure that the full flight of the ball is visible while providing good viewing conditions for players, officials and spectators.
Care should be taken to ensure that shadows are not cast onto the pitch from floodlights located behind grandstand rooflines.

Lights for athletics facilities
Good visibility for athletes, competition judges and team officials enables them to clearly see everything going on in the competition or training area, so that they can produce their best possible performances, and/or make accurate decisions.Spectators should be able to follow the athletes' performances in the field but should also be able to see other action in their immediate surroundings. Also, the lighting should enable spectators to safely enter and leave the sports facility.

Golf course lighting
The distance markers must be clearly visible and the player must be able to follow the flight of the ball. While the tee areas will require separate illumination, there should be general illumination of the full length of the golf range surface.

Playing court lighting
Playing courts designed for multisports should ensure that their proposed lighting considers the needs of all the various sports to be played. Care must be taken to ensure that the lighting design produces uniformity of the required illumination and that glare and light pollution are minimized.

Softball/ Baseball field lights
A fast sport like baseball or softball requires high levels of illumination to enable the action and flight of the ball to be followed. Most of the fast action takes place in the regulation-sized infield, which will require a significantly greater illuminance and overall uniformity than the larger outfield.