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Solar lighting is efficient and cost effective

Solar lighting is efficient and cost effective

Solar lighting is efficient and cost effective

Do you know how many solar-powered streetlights save enough energy to power an electric car for a whole year? 100? 1,000? In fact, it’s just 15. Now imagine how much energy you could save with a citywide rollout.

Solar is widely considered to be the most effective form of renewable energy, and the technology is advancing every day. Philips has a range of products that help keep energy bills down and have a positive impact on the environment. And as you can see, the saving potential is extraordinary.

Renewable icon


Solar energy is free and available everywhere on the planet.

Energy efficient icon

Energy efficient

Solar can decrease energy consumption by up to 100% compared to a conventional solution in case of off-grid systems.

Low maintenance icon

Low maintenance

Up to 100,000 hours lifetime for LED lights, up to 25 years lifetime for PV panel, minimum of 10 years lifetime for Li-ion and Fer-Pho batteries.

Quality of life icon

Quality of life

Solar technology can help more people access cheap, portable, and clean power.

Street lighting

EU can leapfrog to solar streetlighting

The EU could benefit from clean, efficient lighting technologies like solar lighting, especially amid the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic. Find out how Philips lighting products are set to play their part.

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